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Wiki Formatting


Bulleted: Place an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Example for a bulleted list.

Numbered: Place a pound sign (#) at the beginning of the sentence.

  1. Example of a numbered list.

Indentation: Place a colon (:) at the begining of the sentence for each level of desired indentation.

Example indented one level
Example indented 2 levels


To put notes within an entry that are not seen when the entry is viewed, use (< ! - -) at the beginning of the intended notes, and (- - >) at the end. These notes will be visible when the entry is edited. (Omit the spaces between the charaters so they are all together. Edit this page and you can see the effect.)

Preserving Format

Putting a blank space in front of the line will preserve the format. Especially useful if the line includes many blank spaces, which are normally read as one space. However, this creates a grey box which looks ugly.

Starting a New Line

Place the page break marker "< B R >" at the beginning of the sentence. (Omit the spaces between the charaters so they are all together. Edit this page and you can see the effect.)